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How to Make a Feng Shui Wealth Vase to Attract Wealth and Prosperity

How to Make a Feng Shui Wealth Vase to Attract Wealth and Prosperity

The Feng Shui treasure vase, also known as the treasure bottle, is one of the oldest ways to attract wealth in Feng Shui. Whether placed or hidden, the treasure vase will inspire people to find ways to make money, thereby...


The significance of the crane in Chinese culture and its application in Feng Shui

The significance of the crane in Chinese culture and its application in Feng Shui

Table of Contents 1. Symbols of Cranes- Rank and Status- Longevity and Immortality- Nobility and Integrity- Harmony and Peace- Wisdom and Insight2. Legends of Cranes- Legend of Crane Dance- Zeng Sheng Saves Cranes- Chang'e Transforms into Cranes- Lv Dongbin Mural3....


History and Meaning of Dzi Beads

History and Meaning of Dzi Beads

Dzi beads are one of the most popular items in Chinese Feng Shui, and almost every Feng Shui store and online shop sells at least one type of Dzi bead.Due to their bead-like shape, the most common way to use...


A Guide to the Chinese Ship of Fortune (Origins – Meaning – How to Use)

A Guide to the Chinese Ship of Fortune (Origins – Meaning – How to Use)

The Chinese Wealth Boat is one of the most popular symbols in Feng Shui and is commonly seen in the homes, businesses and workplaces of wealthy and successful people in China and Southeast Asia.Many people believe that the Wealth Boat...


Beyond Miracles: Understanding the Real Impact of Feng Shui on Luck

Beyond Miracles: Understanding the Real Impact of Feng Shui on Luck

Although luck is a relative concept, people use feng shui to try to increase their luck. If you ask ten different individuals what it means to be lucky, you will receive nine, or maybe ten, different replies.  Someone who lives...


Feng Shui Wallet – Setting Up Your Wallet to Attract Wealth

Feng Shui Wallet – Setting Up Your Wallet to Attract Wealth

Feng Shui is a 3,000-year-old traditional Chinese art that studies how humans interact with their surroundings to improve the quality of life. Wind means "air flow" and water symbolizes "flow", both natural elements closely associated with health, abundance and prosperity.Therefore,...




Better late than never, right? Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re anything like me, it might have snuck up a little quicker than expected. But don’t worry! I’ve pulled together some top gift ideas that are just as meaningful even if they’re last-minute. Plus, if shipping deadlines don’t align with your calendar, here’s a tip: print out a picture of the gift, slip it in her card, and let her know it’s on the way!


The Sacred Wu Lou in Chinese Culture and Feng Shui – How to use it.

The Sacred Wu Lou in Chinese Culture and Feng Shui – How to use it.

The Wu Lou (葫蘆) is also known as Hulu, bottle gourd, calabash, or wu luo. It’s sometimes referred to as a calabash since the gourds grow from a calabash tree. It is a fruit in its natural state, and when...


From the perspective of Feng Shui, the benefits of placing a fountain at home

From the perspective of Feng Shui, the benefits of placing a fountain at home

Practicing Feng Shui in your home requires balancing its three key elements: Chi (the life force of all living things), Bagua (the center of natural energy in your home), and the Five Elements (water, fire, earth, metal, and wood).As one...
